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Section 8: Visibility Rules

The rules defining the scope of declarations and the rules defining which identifiers, character_literals, and operator_symbols are visible at (or from) various places in the text of the program are described in this section. The formulation of these rules uses the notion of a declarative region.

As explained in Section 3, a declaration declares a view of an entity and associates a defining name with that view. The view comprises an identification of the viewed entity, and possibly additional properties. A usage name denotes a declaration. It also denotes the view declared by that declaration, and denotes the entity of that view. Thus, two different usage names might denote two different views of the same entity; in this case they denote the same entity.

Clauses and Subclauses

  1. Declarative Region
  2. Scope of Declarations
  3. Visibility
  4. Use Clauses
  5. Renaming Declarations
    1. Object Renaming Declarations
    2. Exception Renaming Declarations
    3. Package Renaming Declarations
    4. Subprogram Renaming Declarations
    5. Generic Renaming Declarations
  6. The Context of Overload Resolution

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