A productivity tool of KSCE

About DocAda Light(tm)

The Integrated Hypertext Ada 95 Reference Manual(tm)

April 1997 Edition

Kempe Software Capital Enterprises
Your productivity is our business.(tm)

IMPORTANT: You must read the end-user license agreement first!

By using DocAda Light(tm) you are consenting to be bound by this agreement.

DocAda Light is a highly integrated document based on the Ada 95 reference manual with hypertext structure and presentation. The purpose of this document is to help programmers understand Ada and make optimal use of the language's mechanisms and predefined services. In contrast to printed versions, which present visually the text of this reference work but do not support active reading and consultation, the focus of a hypertext integration is on structured exploration, improved understanding, and task-oriented navigation in the document.

By design, DocAda is optimized for access to descriptions, definitions, and clarifications of the constitutive parts of the Ada language. It provides a rich supply of features tuned to the needs of all Ada programmers and students. DocAda Light is a restricted version of DocAda, with less contents, features, and power.

DocAda Light Table of Contents



User's Guide


End-User License

Kempe Software Capital Enterprises


Kempe Software Capital Enterprises
Route d'Essertine, CH-1416 Pailly, Switzerland

Copyright © 1994-1997 by Kempe Software Capital Enterprises. All Rights Reserved. DocAda and The Integrated Hypertext Ada 95 Reference Manual are trademarks of Kempe Software Capital Enterprises.